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Our Mission


Risk & Safety Solutions' mission is to leverage technology to protect people from harm and help mitigate hazardous working conditions within research safety, EH&S, and risk management. We believe in the value of collaborative partnerships with our clients and strive to deliver solutions that facilitate cost avoidance and reduction while enhancing safety and compliance.

Our Leadership

The board of directors at Risk and Safety Solutions consists of committed individuals who firmly believe
in the power of technology to create a safer future for everyone.

Safa Hussain


Executive Director Risk and Safety Solutions


Kevin Confetti


Associate Vice President and Chief Risk Officer UCOP


Viji Murali


CIO and Vice Provost, Information and Educational Technology UC Davis


Ken Smith


Executive Director, Environmental Health & Safety UCOP


Van Williams


Vice President of Information Technology Services and Chief Information Officer UCOP


Award Winning Technology

Risk and Safety Solutions has been recognized for its achievements in innovation for multiple safety solutions, which reflect our dedication to delivering cutting-edge technology that promotes safety and mitigates risk. We remain committed to maintaining the highest standards of excellence and pushing the boundaries of safety technology while ensuring our clients have access to the most effective safety solutions available.

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