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  • A tablet in the center, surrounded by individuals working in various roles behind the scenes and with clients, representing the diverse team that defines RSS

    Risk and Safety Solutions is more than just a technology provider; we believe in the power of community. What does that mean? Well, we’ve worked with hundreds of organizations, and with each one, we’ve come to understand that the problems they face are similar to those being faced throughout the safety and risk management community. To solve those problems, we’ve adopted the mindset that it’s only when RSS collaborates with the safety community to build solutions that our clients succeed. We have a proven track record of combining our years of technical expertise with our clients’ field knowledge to create continuously improving solutions that benefit all.

    Collaboration and Expertise
    We understand that each organization has its own unique needs, which is why when you become our client, we work closely with you to develop tailored solutions. Our collaborative approach ensures your organization has the tools and training necessary for a more efficient and effective safety program.

    Secure, Cutting-Edge Technology
    In the ever-evolving world of safety management, staying ahead and maintaining security is essential. That’s why we have developed the RSS Intelligent Platform incorporating cutting-edge technology and advanced security measures. We also dedicate time and resources to R&D for ongoing innovation. Our solutions focus on leveraging the best technology and techniques to provide cost avoidance and efficiency while our team helps you build a stronger safety culture with training and support.

    Flexible and Comprehensive Solutions
    Our scalable safety platform allows you to start with only what you need and add more as your program evolves. From robust analytics for compliance management to user-friendly mobile apps for daily tasks, our solutions can be configured in many ways to help create a tailored process that works for you. With over 40 solutions to solve EH&S problems in healthcare, higher education, government, and private industries, we have the tools to meet your unique needs.

    Your Trusted Partner in Safety
    Above all, our goal is to ensure the safety of individuals within your organization. We take immense pride in being trusted to support and guide your organization in its safety goals. With RSS, you’ll find a team committed to your efforts to grow your organization’s safety culture. We understand the importance of returning home safely at the end of each day, and we are here to help you make that a reality for every person in your community.

    Join us on the journey to safety and success. Together, we can navigate the challenges of EH&S, research safety, and risk management. Become a part of our community as we work towards a safer and more efficient future.


    Holly Nguyen
    Holly Nguyen
    Lead Communications Analyst
    Risk and Safety Solutions