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    Expanding Protections in Workplace Violence Prevention

    California Senate Bill 553 (SB 553) was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on September 30, 2023, and will take effect on July 1, 2024. This bill mandates that nearly all employers in California develop and implement a comprehensive Workplace Violence Prevention Plan (WVPP).
    While many employers already have a WVPP in place, SB 553 expands on existing requirements. It adopts a more proactive approach by requiring:

    • Training and Retraining: Regular training sessions for employees on how to identify, report, and respond to workplace violence. Those involved in workplace violence may be required to retrain. 
    • In-Depth Procedures: Detailed procedures for identifying and evaluating workplace hazards related to violence. Employees are required to have easy access to procedures.
    • Extended Record Retention: Longer retention periods for records of incidents and training sessions, ensuring comprehensive documentation.

    Additionally, SB 553 expands the scope of who is required to address workplace violence, encompassing more California businesses than previous regulations.

    Why This Matters

    With increasing concerns about workplace violence, the new requirements under SB 553 aim to create safer work environments by emphasizing prevention, thorough reporting, and accountability. Broader coverage and more stringent measures ensure that employers are better equipped to protect their employees and respond effectively to incidents.

    RSS's Response to SB 553

    To assist employers in meeting these new requirements, RSS has expanded our existing Workplace Violence Prevention Plan solution to now include reporting. This online portal enables employees to enter the details of an incident quickly and easily, which are then automatically routed to the appropriate supervisor for investigation. Details from both the reporting team member and the supervisor are collected and automatically inputted into a violent incident log, ensuring compliance with the state’s mandatory reporting requirements.


    Emily Slonim
    Emily Slonim
    Lead Communications Analyst
    Risk and Safety Solutions